PO Box 941692, Maitland, FL 32794-1692

Monthly Meeting – Zoom Style – Sustaining Biodiversity in an Urban Environment!

We are overjoyed to welcome Dr. Patrick Bohlen who is a Professor and Director-Landscape and Natural Resources and Arboretum at University of Central Florida.

https://ucf.zoom.us/j/91049559723  phone in info: 1(301) 715-8592,  91049559723#

– See you there – 7pm May 20th from your sofa!

Dr. Bohlen’s Bio:
I have a long standing interest in the ecology and management of human-dominated ecosystems, which is reflected in my past experience directing an agro-ecology program, and my current experience directing a program in urban landscape and natural resource management. The fields that best encompass my current interests are urban ecology and wetland ecology. Urban ecology is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on urban ecosystems, urbanizing landscapes, and the impacts of urban areas on ecological patterns and processes at local, regional and global scales. Researchers in this field try to understand complex interactions between human and natural systems in urban environments and apply that understanding to developing more resilient and sustainable systems. I am particularly interested in the role of wetlands in urban areas and the impact of urbanization on wetlands and water systems.
All of his research and work is directed towards developing and maintaining an outdoor environment that contributes to a sense of place, advances learning and reflects a commitment to stewardship of human, financial and natural resources. Dr. Bohlen has written over 100 research articles, book chapters and books in his field of expertise.


All programs are held the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Stay tuned as we move more meetings into this digital format.

Admission is always free, and everyone is invited so invite some friends!

Become a new member for just $15: https://centralfloridasierra.org/

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