October Member Meeting! Rachel Shaw: Intro to Sharks!
Rachel Shaw in the field
“Introduction to Sharks / Research on Movement Patterns and Habitat Use of Baby Great White Sharks”
Rachel Shaw is originally from Michigan and graduated from Ferris State University with a BS in Environmental Biology. She is currently working on 2 masters degrees – one from the University of Central Florida and one from Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute at Florida Atlantic University. Her thesis research at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute focuses on the movement patterns and habitat use of baby Great White Sharks in the New York Bight nursery ground. The Great White Shark is an iconic species; however very little known about their behavior and habitat use at this young age and in this newly identified nursery habitat. This species is a long living species that produce very few young, have long gestation periods, and mature at a very late age. Due to this, Great White Sharks are susceptible to population decline through environmental and anthropogenic (human related) influences such as habitat degradation, overfishing, and bycatch. Studying this species at this young age will help inform scientists and fisheries management to better protect this apex predator.
You are all welcome to come and listen to this fascinating presentation about one of the iconic species that inhabit our oceans!
See you October 16th at Harry P. Leu Gardens 1920 N. Forest Ave. Orlando, FL! Doors opens at 6:45 pm, with light snacks and socializing. Programs are held from 7-8:45 pm. A brief discussion of environmental issues precedes the program along with info on upcoming outings and events.
Admission is always free, and everyone is invited — So come on down, and bring some friends! Join Sierra Club for as little as just $15 right now, as this money helps fund our meeting spaces, our outings, sponsor speakers, and much, much more. Everyone with Central Florida Sierra Club Group is an unpaid volunteer. We’re doing what we can to better the local community. It takes a village. And we thank you for being part of that village. Hope to see you at the meeting this, and every month.
Last Updated: October 10, 2019 by Julie Levine    -     Leave a Comment
October Member Meeting! Rachel Shaw: Intro to Sharks!
“Introduction to Sharks / Research on Movement Patterns and Habitat Use of Baby Great White Sharks”
Rachel Shaw is originally from Michigan and graduated from Ferris State University with a BS in Environmental Biology. She is currently working on 2 masters degrees – one from the University of Central Florida and one from Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute at Florida Atlantic University. Her thesis research at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute focuses on the movement patterns and habitat use of baby Great White Sharks in the New York Bight nursery ground. The Great White Shark is an iconic species; however very little known about their behavior and habitat use at this young age and in this newly identified nursery habitat. This species is a long living species that produce very few young, have long gestation periods, and mature at a very late age. Due to this, Great White Sharks are susceptible to population decline through environmental and anthropogenic (human related) influences such as habitat degradation, overfishing, and bycatch. Studying this species at this young age will help inform scientists and fisheries management to better protect this apex predator.
You are all welcome to come and listen to this fascinating presentation about one of the iconic species that inhabit our oceans!
See you October 16th at Harry P. Leu Gardens 1920 N. Forest Ave. Orlando, FL! Doors opens at 6:45 pm, with light snacks and socializing. Programs are held from 7-8:45 pm. A brief discussion of environmental issues precedes the program along with info on upcoming outings and events.
Admission is always free, and everyone is invited — So come on down, and bring some friends! Join Sierra Club for as little as just $15 right now, as this money helps fund our meeting spaces, our outings, sponsor speakers, and much, much more. Everyone with Central Florida Sierra Club Group is an unpaid volunteer. We’re doing what we can to better the local community. It takes a village. And we thank you for being part of that village. Hope to see you at the meeting this, and every month.
Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/CentralFLSierraClub/
Category: Conservation Issues, Membership Meetings, Water, Wildlife
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