Come join us July 18th as our own Political Chair, Cecilia Height, speaks about how you can reduce your waste output. Cecilia is a member of the Sierra Club of Florida Waste Minimization Committee. Learn how to reduce your consumption and waste.
Refuse, Reduce, Reuse & Recycle!
Cecilia with Eugene & Mike at one of our meetings.
All programs are held the 3rd Wed of the month at 6:30/45 pm, at Harry P. Leu Gardens.: 1920 N Forest Ave, Orlando, FL 32803
Door opens at 6:30/45 pm, with light snacks and socializing.Programs are held from 7 – 8:45 pm. A brief discussion of environmental issues precedes the program with info on upcoming, fun, outings — A great way to meet more environmental folk and network for certain.
*Admission is always free, and the public is invited — So come on down, and bring some friends! Join Sierra Club for as little as just $15 right now, as this money helps fund our meeting spaces, as well as, our outings, sponsor speakers, and much, much more. Everyone with Central Florida Sierra Club Group is an unpaid volunteer. We’re doing what we can to better the local community. It takes a village. And we thank you for being part of that village.
Posted: June 27, 2018 by Julie Levine    -     Leave a Comment
July General Meeting – Waste Minimization
Come join us July 18th as our own Political Chair, Cecilia Height, speaks about how you can reduce your waste output. Cecilia is a member of the Sierra Club of Florida Waste Minimization Committee. Learn how to reduce your consumption and waste.
Refuse, Reduce, Reuse & Recycle!
All programs are held the 3rd Wed of the month at 6:30/45 pm, at Harry P. Leu Gardens.: 1920 N Forest Ave, Orlando, FL 32803
Door opens at 6:30/45 pm, with light snacks and socializing.Programs are held from 7 – 8:45 pm. A brief discussion of environmental issues precedes the program with info on upcoming, fun, outings — A great way to meet more environmental folk and network for certain.
*Admission is always free, and the public is invited — So come on down, and bring some friends! Join Sierra Club for as little as just $15 right now, as this money helps fund our meeting spaces, as well as, our outings, sponsor speakers, and much, much more. Everyone with Central Florida Sierra Club Group is an unpaid volunteer. We’re doing what we can to better the local community. It takes a village. And we thank you for being part of that village.
And like us on Meetup:
Hope to see you at the meeting this, and every month.
Category: Membership Meetings, Sustainability
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